Spice launches Spice M-5220 a basic phone at affordable price in India. Spice M5220 comes with 2 inch display screen with 176 x 220 pixels resolution. It has Digital Camera, Video Recording option, Audio Player, Video Player, Wireless FM Radio with Scheduled FM Radio, 8GB Expandable Memroy support, WAP, GPRS, Bluetooth, Games and more features. It supports English and Hindi Language Support. It has Torch Light as well.
Spice M5220 Price in India:
Spice M-5220 is available in India at price around Rs. 2500 in India.
- Titanium
Spice M5220 |
Spice M5220 Features & Specifications:
- Unique Speaker for Big Sound
- 2 Inch (176 x 220) Pixels Display Screen
- Screen Resolution = 176 x 220 Pixels
- Network : GSM 900/1800 MHz
- Digital Camera
- Video Recording
- Audio Player
- Video Player
- Wireless FM Radio with Scheduled FM Recording
- Torch light
- Internal Memory: 30 KB
- Phonebook Memory: 500 + SIM + T-Flash
- SMS Memory: 200 + SIM + T-card
- Expandable Memory Upto 8GB
- Stereo Bluetooth
- USB Data Cable
- Games
- T-Card Phonebook
- MP3, WAV, MIDI Ringtones
- English & Hindi Language Support
- Use Phone as Modem to access Internet
- 1200 mAh Battery
- Talk Time: Up to 8.4 hours
- Stand by Time: Up to 302.5 hours
- Dimensions: 111 X 47 X 14.4 mm
- Weight: 129