Lava Mobiles joins the Android mobiles with their latest mobile launch Lava S12. Its a different style touchscreen phone with 3.2 inches display. Lava S12 comes with 5 MP Camera with 2x Zoom, 3G, Android 2.2 Froyo OS, Wi-Fi, GPS with A-GPS, EDGE/GPRS, Email, USB and more. It has stylish matte leather back back finishing body. With unique look this phone has Facebook, Twitter and Nimbuzz Networking Applications loaded. It has 32GB Expandable Memory with 2 GB Memory Card Free. Lava S12 is the best for watching movies, videos, playing games and more entertaining stuff by surfing on internet.
Lava S12 Price in India:
3G Android Smartphone Lava S12 price is around Rs. 9,900 in India.
Lava S12 Features & Specifications:
- Network : GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz, UMTS 2100MHz
- 3G : HSDPA 7.2 Mbps , HSUPA 384kbps
- Android 2.2 (Froyo)
- 3D UI (User Interface)
- Qualcomm 7227 600 MHz Processor
- 3.2 inches display screen, 480×320 pixels resolutions
- 5 mega-pixel Camera with 2X zoom
- Music Player : Mp3,Midi,AMR,WAV,AAC
- Video Player
- Internal memory : 120 MB
- Exandable upto 32 GB
- FM Radio
- 3.5 mm audio jack
- Leather Pouch
- Stylish, matte leather back finishing body
- SRS Surround Sound
- Saavn, Hungama MyPlay, TuneWiki - Music Applications
- Facebook, Twitter, Nimbuzz - Social Networking Applications
- Wi-Fi
- GPS with AGPS navigation
- PC connectivity with Lava Sync Tool
- USB 2.0
- Bluetooth v2.1
- Battery : 1300 mAh Li ion
- Talk time : GSM up to 12 hours , up to 485 minutes (3G)
- Standby time : GSM up to 590 hours , up to 650 hours (3G)
- Weight : 120 g
- Dimensions : 117 x 57.5 x 13.4 mm
- 21 preloaded apps including an office suite, Facebook, Twitter, Nimbuzz, Saavn, Times of India, MoneyControl, TuneWiki, Zenga TV(1 year free subscription) and Hungama MyPlay along with Google apps. More apps are available on Android Market.
In Box Content:
- Leather Pouch
- USB Cable
- USB Charger
- 2GB MicroSD card
3G Mobiles India
Android Mobiles India
Lava Mobiles
Mobile Phones India
Touch Screen Mobiles India